Debunking The Most Common Asphalt Paving Myths

Asphalt paving is something that many businesses will opt to go for. However, there are many wrong assumptions that these businesses will come across when they do their research on asphalt paving. So what are these asphalt paving myths that people assume are correct?

Asphalt Paving Myths That Simply Aren’t True

When you think about myths, you think about things like the Loch Ness monster or Bigfoot. However, it also applies to certain things in our modern day society that we take for granted. One of which is asphalt paving. These myths hurt people’s judgement on whether to use it or not. So to clear up these misunderstandings, we’ve come up with a list of these asphalt paving myths and debunking them with raw facts.

Recycled Asphalt is Not Durable

Now first and foremost, this is arguably the most common of these myths and the most impactful at that. Many businesses think that recycled asphalt is not as durable as brand new asphalt straight from the manufacturing plant. However, it has been proven time and time again that recycled asphalt is not only as durable as brand new material, but also far cheaper. The great thing about it is that it also helps cut down on the amount of wasted asphalt that goes to landfills.

It Is Useless in Intense Heat

This is a problem that many people living in warm areas like Las Vegas and Arizona constantly have to worry about. You have asphalt pavement laid down and then when a heat wave comes, you end up with a melted pavement that can stick to tires. Not a great selling point isn’t it? 

Asphalt does have problems when it comes to handling intense heat, but you do have a number of ways to insulate it. Using sealant and special mixes of asphalt can easily help your pavement last much longer under the heat of the sun.

You Can Have It Laid Anywhere

Asphalt is considered the king of pavements, and you’d assume you can have it laid just about anywhere. You can have it laid anywhere, but that doesn’t mean you should. Simply having it laid in an area where there isn’t a solid foundation for it will end in disaster. It would end up having a much shorter lifespan and be more accident prone as the years go by.

Asphalt Itself Won’t Last As Long as Other Pavement Types Like Concrete

This asphalt paving myth definitely has some validity to it. We’ve even written about the fact that asphalt doesn’t last as long as concrete in the past. However, what matters when it comes to your paving is how well you take care of it. 

Whether it’s asphalt or concrete, proper care is necessary for it to be able to last as long as it should. In asphalt’s case, you need to make sure that you’re using the best sealant and ensuring that you clean up any mess on top of it. And did we mention that a properly maintained asphalt pavement will last anywhere between twenty to thirty years?