The Dangers Of Potholes

Potholes are something we see almost everyday. Either on the road we take to work or on our own driveway, they can be annoying to deal with. This form of driveway damage can cause a number of problems that no one wants to deal with.

Potholes: The Bane of Motorists and Driveway Owners Alike

With potholes being a constant problem on the motorway its best to make sure that you clear them up as soon as possible. It can easily ruin vehicles and make it easier for accidents to happen. It is the bane of any motorist and driveway owner so knowing what they do can help you decide on whether you want to get rid of that pothole or leave it there.

Shortens the Lifespan of Vehicle Parts

Your vehicle is at great risk whenever you drive on top of a pothole. There are two ways a pothole can damage your vehicle, either through constant wear and tear or suddenly just breaking something in your car. The first case is something that your insurance is very unlikely to cover. 

In either case, potholes will cost you money and time to have those parts replaced or fixed. In fact, nearly three billion dollars are spent on repairs made to vehicles damaged by a road crater. For an individual repair however, it can cost you from fifty dollars to a whopping five thousand dollars for a repair. 

Damaged Wheels

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to vehicular damage are your wheels. Constantly driving over potholes will slowly scrape away at the rubber on your wheels. In some rare cases your wheels might even end up getting punctured.

Suspension Cracks and Breaks

Your suspension is responsible for making sure that your vehicle is able to absorb the shock from bumps and uneven terrain. Potholes tend to be far deeper than the driveway around it and this can cause your suspension to snap

Steering Knocked Out of Alignment

Making sure that your steering is in the best condition before driving is important if you want to have an easier time navigating your vehicle. However, your steering can be damaged by hitting a pothole too quickly and at the wrong angle. This can be a problem as it can cause your vehicle to sway to either the left or right.

Can Cause Severe Injury

They can even be deadly in the right circumstances with the impact being enough to fling a person off of a motorcycle. A punctured wheel or a broken steering while going through a highway at forty miles per hour can cause you to swerve out of control and cause a serious accident. 

How You Can Prevent and Fix Potholes

Potholes may be a major concern on public driveways, but that doesn’t you should skimp out on fixing your own. Preventing potholes is the best course of action as prevention is better than remedy.

Preventing Potholes

The best way for you to “fix” a pothole is to prevent it from forming in the first place. Keep your eyes out for specific pavement problems that can lead to your driveway developing a pothole. Pooling water and dark spots on your driveway are a clear sign that a pothole will form in that specific spot. Maintenance is also important to make sure that your driveway stays clear of road craters.

Fixing Potholes

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, potholes just end up ruining your driveway anyway. You have the option of fixing it yourself by using DIY techniques. However, the best way to fix potholes is to make sure that you contact a professional pothole sealing or paving company to do it for you.